Authorization Flow

Authorization Flow

// This is an example where we run through the OAuth flow,
// select a business, and display a client from that business.

const { Client } = require('@freshbooks/api')
const readline = require('readline').createInterface({
input: process.stdin,
output: process.stdout,

const FB_CLIENT_ID = '<your client id>'
const FB_CLIENT_SECRET = '<your client secret>'
const REDIRECT_URI = '<your redirect uri>'

const fbClient = new Client(FB_CLIENT_ID, {
clientSecret: FB_CLIENT_SECRET,
redirectUri: REDIRECT_URI,

async function authorizeFbClient() {
const authorizationUrl = fbClient.getAuthRequestUrl(['user:profile:read', 'user:clients:read'])
console.log(`Go to this URL to authorize: ${authorizationUrl}`)

// Going to that URL will prompt the user to log into FreshBooks and authorize the application.
// Once authorized, FreshBooks will redirect the user to your `redirect_uri` with the authorization
// code will be a parameter in the URL.
const authCode = await new Promise((resolve) => {
readline.question('Enter the code you get after authorization: ', resolve)

// This will exchange the authorization code for an access token
const tokenData = await fbClient.getAccessToken(authCode)
console.log(`This is the access token the client is now configurated with: ${tokenData.accessToken}`)
console.log(`It is good until ${tokenData.accessTokenExpiresAt}\n`)
return tokenData

async function getAccountAndBusinessIds() {
// Get the current user's identity
const identity = await

if (identity.ok === true) {
// Display all of the businesses the user has access to
const businesses = []
const index = 1 => {
const business =
businesses.push({ name:, businessId:, accountId: business.accountId })
console.log(`${index}: ${}`)

const businessIndex = await new Promise((resolve) => {
readline.question('Which business do you want to use? ', resolve)

return businesses[businessIndex - 1]

async function getClient(business) {
// Get a client for the business to show successful access
const clients = await fbClient.clients.list(business.accountId)
if (clients.ok === true) {
const client =[0]
console.log(`'${client.organization}' is a client of ${}`)

async function main() {
await authorizeFbClient()
const business = await getAccountAndBusinessIds()
await getClient(business)


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