Making API Calls

Making API Calls

Most resources in the client provides calls for list, single, create, update and delete. Please note that some API resources are scoped to a FreshBooks accountId while others are scoped to a businessId. In general these fall along the lines of accounting resources vs projects/time tracking resources, but that is not precise.

const client = await fbClient.clients.single(accountId, clientUserId)
const project = await fbClient.projects.single(businessId, projectId)

All REST API methods return a response in the shape of:

ok: boolean
data?: T // model type of result
error?: Error

For historical reasons, some resources in the FreshBooks API (mostly accounting-releated) return date/times in "US/Eastern" timezone. The SDK will convert these in the models to return Date objects normalized to UTC.

List and Single

To fetch a list of resources:

const clients = await fbClient.clients.list(accountId)

if (clients.ok === true) { => {
console.log(`'${}' is the email for '${client.organization}'`)

To fetch a single resource:

const client = await fbClient.clients.single(accountId, clientUserId)

if (client.ok === true) {
console.log(`'${}' is the email for '${client.organization}'`)

Create, Update, and Delete

API calls to create and update take a resource Model and return an updated Model on a successful call as if a call to single.


const clientData = {"email": ""}
const newClient = await fbClient.clients.create(clientData, accountId)

console.log(`Created client ${}`)


const updateData = {"email": ""}
const client = await fbClient.clients.update(updateData, accountId, clientId)

console.log(`Update client ${clientId} email to ${}`)


const client = await fbClient.clients.delete(accountId, clientId)

console.log(`Client visState is now ${}`)

Error Handling

Calls made to the FreshBooks API with a non-2xx response result in errors in the form of:

name: string // Name of the method called
message: string // Error message
statusCode?: string // HTTP Status Code
errors?: APIError[] // More detailed message if available

Not all API calls return a list of specific errors, but if they do, they will be in the form of:

message: string // Specific error message eg. 'Item not found.'
errorCode?: number // A error code, if available. Eg. '1012'
field?: string // The field that caused the error, if available. Eg. `itemid`
object?: string // The resource, if available. Eg. `item`
value?: string // The value of the field, if available. Eg. `123432`


clientData = {}
try {
const client = await fbClient.clients.single(accountId, 00000)
console.log('Not called')
} catch (err) {
Get Client
Client not found.
message: 'Client not found.',
errorCode: 1012,
field: 'userid',
object: 'client',
value: '00000'
clientData = {}
try {
const client = await fbClient.clients.create(clientData, accountId)
console.log('Not called')
} catch (err) {
Create Client
At least one field among fname, lname, email and organization is required.
message: 'At least one field among fname, lname, email and organization is required.',
errorCode: 7012,
field: null,
object: 'client',
value: ''

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