Configuring The API Client

Configuring The API Client

You can create an instance of the API client in one of two ways:

  • By providing your application's OAuth2 clientId and clientSecret and following through the auth flow, which when complete will return an access token
  • Or if you already have a valid access token, you can instantiate the client directly using that token, however token refresh flows will not function without the application id and secret.

Using a client secret and redirect URI

import { Client } from '@freshbooks/api'

const FB_CLIENT_ID = '<your client id>'
const FB_CLIENT_SECRET = '<your client secret>'
const REDIRECT_URI = '<your redirect uri>'

const fbClient = new Client(FB_CLIENT_ID, {
clientSecret: FB_CLIENT_SECRET,
redirectUri: REDIRECT_URI

and then proceed with the auth flow (see Authorization Flow).

Using a pre-generated access token

import { Client } from '@freshbooks/api'

const FB_CLIENT_ID = '<your client id>'
const PRE_EXISTING_TOKEN = '<a valid token>'

const fbClient = new Client(FB_CLIENT_ID, {

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